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November 25, 2009


Sally Goble

There you go Marlene! It's taken me a while...


Hello again and a happy 2011 from Belgium!
I hope you are well and still swimming? It would be so ncie to read again from you!


Its really very nice to hear this story. I love these kind of pleasures. Swimming in cold water is hard and interesting.. Good story..

Bryn Dymott

Sally, so well written and you too are an inspiration. I swam in the river Easter Monday, in trunks and goggles but I 'cheated' with 2 x hats and a pair of neoprene surf gloves. Water was about 9C. Yes I experienced ice cream face, yes the water was cold (cooler than fresh) and the shivering after lasted a full 40 minutes, but it was wonderful. My triathlete buddies in wetsuits swam well too and it must have been good, they did it again last weekend too. Keep up the pleasure (it lasts longer than the pain) of cool, open water swimming. 6 Swans.


Good to read from you again! Marlene

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